Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The last atomic bomb-7 Island International Film festival

We all knew about first and last atomic bomb thrown on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to destroy them and forced Japan to take back from second world war by America.
We all say, it was a cruel action taken by. But are we aware of consequences faced by Japan? Or we are just aware of long term diseases they and their races faced who came in contact with this unfortunate explosion.
Just being aware is what exactly we learn from our History's?
Or there can be learning and taking actions to not repeat history which is not good for humanity? Rather here I would like to question if being humans we are acting like this then are we evolved as a human yet?
All these questions rose because of documentary I saw in 2008, International Film Festival, took place at Mumbai. This is an event which takes place every year in a period of 26th Jan to 30th Jan for all peace lovers, run by Director Bankim Kapadia. This is one of the rare film festival which has free entry for all peace lovers who would like to watch rear documentaries and have discussions after you watch them.This festival try to ignite you as being layman we can do many things to change our system. This ignition they are lighting not by just having discussions and raising questions in your mind but there you can see actual team working for this.And documentaries you are exposed to are nothing but all real pictures happened or happening in world to have peace.
"The last atomic bomb" as a film we all would like to go for and get to know reality but this is not the thing we should be only doing it... We need to look for options we can take as an action and actually start working for it. Currently I could think of this writing as an immediate action I can take for...! [:)]
The film was directed by Robert Ritchter and it's a story narrated by Mrs. Shimohira- survivor of Nagasaki. This film not only shows what happened after bomb last but also throws light on what kind of ill effects these survivors faced during their struggle for just live as a common human being. After this incident Japan had collected lot of data to expose to world as in what was actual figure of people who died due to this bomblast, which kept on increasing afterwards, what kind of diseases they suffered from mentally and physically. People were running short of food rather there was no food for several days for them. They did not receive any kind of medical help. Many a news papers who were throwing light on this incident were banned as they were avoiding U.S. Military laws. Due to banning of news paper many of Japanese were not aware of diseases occurring as ill effect of nuclear exposure. They started their own brothers keeping aside from them. There were several rumors as in these are all communicable diseases and these people should be kept as untouchable.
Fact was people develop this thinking due to lack of proper knowledge and media was banned to show anything regarding this so it was an obvious happening. Not only media banning cause this problem but also people who were suffering were actually started staining and had lost their beauty in many respects which caused rumors spreading across. Many of them suffered from various cancers which got detected at last stages of their lives. During this bad period kids who were surviving after this explosion had to struggle for all basic amenities for a long period. When US medical help arrived people were afraid to go to them as they were not sure of help they will get. Those who survived had lost obvious things in common man’s life. They were genetically injured. There were lots of things we are not shown to world, but had actually happened. One of them was question which came to Japanese government and people mind was “Why they had to face for nuclear explosion when they were actually surrendering from war after Germany’s surrender and especially when US government was aware of the situation?” There was absolutely no reason to do so. And many more…
All 90 minutes I was thinking why this happened with these kids who did not even know what is WAR? Why people exposed to such kind of savage death? What they had done to deserve this? Were they victims of human’s creativity? Or they were the victims of their testing?
Most important part of movie which we should be taking in account was Mrs. Shimohira was actually traveling to country’s with the help of peace group working in Japan and giving message of “No Hiroshima! No Nagasaki! No more Nuclear Weapons! ” She herself at the age of 80 went to do this. She found courage in her living to oppose this cruel happening. It was her who actually shown interest in doing this and threw light on reality faced by people who did not deserve this.
But now the question is, are we stopping to invent and create nuclear weapons even after this big lesson from history? No, rather now situation is growing worst.
Now many of countries have nuclear power and we are proud of this whereas for this we should be actually shamed. Do we want to have power to destroy ourselves? Should we really be doing that? If no then why we are not taking any kind of action to destroy or to eliminate such powers? I know this will not happen so soon. And even if we tried to do so will other competitors really take that way and stop being powerful? Will they actually accept this concept? If others don’t then just to be in race we will not and this is the helpless situation we are passing through and will be always in threatening situations happening in world.
I think we really need to be human first in order to live as a human being. There are many things which as a human we should not do.
Think are we really doing them? We have brains , are we utilizing them for well being of ours? Or we are using it to destruct other humans who are part of us, doesn’t matter which caste, which religion, which country what matters is "human being"!