Thursday, July 14, 2016

Are you defining your roles?

Every day we are waking up with some terror news where someone out of bloom found shooting and killing innocent lives. 
Especially Dallas shooting incident in own town have terrified us.  Everyone’s trust is broken when former army person himself used weapon to kill innocents. Since things happened in own town or in front of our own people, we no longer find ourselves to be safe. 
There is no religion, color or any other decimation that can be found guilty to have such episodes repeated but a mindset with which every individual is getting raised or cultured.
For sure, It’s crucial time to raise our child with much more responsibility, more to that it’s time to behave much more sensibly and respect any other human being we come across from within. 
Living in freedom loving country, such brutal incidents not only spread fear but also question - if people are functional enough to understand what freedom really means?
Hillary Clinton says, “It takes a village to raise child”. Let’s try to create such village for our children where they feel comfortable and understand meaning of independence, where there is respect for everyone
 As an individual we found to be in different roles all the times. In each role we are in, we must question ourselves to be in right bucket first than pointing fingers or relate to any other theories.  They say, kids pick what they see and with that strong feeling they act as an adult. Before any bad norms become norm of society it’s time to wake up and ask yourself first:
-   - As a parent/ guardian are you really behaving? Is your act in line with what you really expect to have environment for your child’s nourishment? If not, you need to settle down your mind and find out what kind of footprint your kids may likely be followed.
-    - As a teacher/priest are you sharing right messages through your words for people around you in right manner? Whatever you may offer to them, they are likely to give you back. You’ve power to change society in much broader way than what others have to offer.
-     - As media are you portraying right picture and directing people to think in right direction? Or there is popularity - controversy theory mission behind?
-    -  As any layman are you synchronized and ready to raise voice for unnatural acts? Or you’re simply enjoying question gossip and leaving civilian duty?
-     - As individual do you see other humans beyond color, religion or any other discrimination?
-     - As a family do you provide environment, where every individual finds love, respect and acceptance?  Or you’re broke family where you seek consultation somewhere else to pore your hearts?
- As friends or coworker you’re just involving in discussion where open gun selling should be banned or you’re really discussing power and its appropriate use for better mankind?
-   -  As any professional, do you really use your knowledge and skills for appropriate improvement than using it for individual gain?

It’s worth asking questions which will find way to make our village, that will raise your child.
Above all, it’s worth investing time in meditating and connecting self to higher being to obtain peaceful mindset, before we suppose anyone else to maintain that peace!