One valentine weekend, for which all youth eagerly await to celebrate, do some shopping for near and dear once or go to some good café; could be for valentine special or for independence celebration… I am no longer an exception. So was obviously on way of enjoyment and snagging on special crowd, zeal with my friends. Suddenly my phone bleeps . My roomie calls :" Where are you? Are you safe? Get home soon… there is a blast happened in Koregaon park. Are you still at Camp area? Take all your friends on way back home!" I am in complete shattered stage; don’t know how to react on this. How to get home safe when everything is so insecure? Thousands of questions going in mind and I catch my friends car to rush back to home…leaving all shopping , most importantly good food in nice restaurant with all my beloved friends to celebrate on our independence special and catch on some valentine’s plans in city…receiving n number of near and far ones’ calls for inquiring whether I and my friends are safe or where we all, at this moment. Everybody rushing around home, closing shops, restaurants…even the minds. Fanatics achieved what they wanted to.
Being Mumbaiya, I am not new to this blast news, I guess now all Indians are acquainted with such news coming on any fine day. So not a great bite on this topic. As usual normal feeling in mind, I am safe today. Don’t know about tomorrow. It’s all fate, whether we will meet such accident (or blast?) and say goodbye to life. All of us gather, have dinner with news saying’ X’(just ?) number of people killed,’ Y’ number injured and then discuss it’s bad. Confirming none of in our vicinity caught up in blast via splashes of news. Chew something about security, politics and go to bed. Neither action nor better reaction!
Early morning I get up to see newspaper what’s the status of blast. I see all young life declared to be corpses and just get shocked to see wounded lives. See some news of CM’s denial on information that multitalented groups provided. Another counter argument from ‘Z’ department for alarming situation provided…and then caught up with normal ‘safe holiday’ talking to many long distance relatives and assuring them I am safe, no …rather lucky for the day.
I catch my friends online chat for v’day specials…no, curse that it’s holy day… and get distressed with the news Amdocs newbies died in bloody blast… All of us tremble …on details about Binita Gadani and P Sindhuri (staying in same apartment). Two youngsters, just passed out from college
having lot of dreams in eyes, start life, make parents proud just ended with a moment blast. I may not know them personally but acquaintance made me sensitive about all crap happening with "We Indians". Us Indians troubling hard to be safe!
Again rethink about the news concentrate on injured and dead. Blast goes far away, some other calculations go around… what some innocents did wrong to have such punishment? Why we normal citizens ignorant about too many harming conducts are chargeable? What some terrorist want out of it they get it, but so many lives just dangle. Who thinks about them? What one injured loses in his lifetime…just hands or legs? Eyes or entire vision of life? What about their families which are solely dependent on their income? How they will survive with handicapped situation? They might get some help from NGO’s even from government for that matter but how much? Can it pay the price of their suffering? Can it give them the life of peace? Primarily, will it give the life which was their destiny? Manmade deed just shook away everything which GOD had planned. So many families became helpless, many parents became fruitless, and most valentines became single with few seconds of blast.
Tears roll down on my face for innocent ones. I Started blaming that Government is not taking care of ‘us naive Indians’. These bloody had apprehension alarm with spot information and F***ing bodies did not even bother to tighten (or provide?) the security. Repeated chapter of 26/11! How much it would have cost to accord peace than playing with lives? Who had asked them to pay from their pocket ? They can spend on all gracious marriages of their kids, parties with friends and families in squeezed sanctuary but not on public security, for which they have been elected?
As and when I recollected all such things, I became more aware that I can’t really help this situation than going for help of deprived.
I get up and walk down to Sassoon hospital….
Being Mumbaiya, I am not new to this blast news, I guess now all Indians are acquainted with such news coming on any fine day. So not a great bite on this topic. As usual normal feeling in mind, I am safe today. Don’t know about tomorrow. It’s all fate, whether we will meet such accident (or blast?) and say goodbye to life. All of us gather, have dinner with news saying’ X’(just ?) number of people killed,’ Y’ number injured and then discuss it’s bad. Confirming none of in our vicinity caught up in blast via splashes of news. Chew something about security, politics and go to bed. Neither action nor better reaction!
Early morning I get up to see newspaper what’s the status of blast. I see all young life declared to be corpses and just get shocked to see wounded lives. See some news of CM’s denial on information that multitalented groups provided. Another counter argument from ‘Z’ department for alarming situation provided…and then caught up with normal ‘safe holiday’ talking to many long distance relatives and assuring them I am safe, no …rather lucky for the day.
I catch my friends online chat for v’day specials…no, curse that it’s holy day… and get distressed with the news Amdocs newbies died in bloody blast… All of us tremble …on details about Binita Gadani and P Sindhuri (staying in same apartment). Two youngsters, just passed out from college
having lot of dreams in eyes, start life, make parents proud just ended with a moment blast. I may not know them personally but acquaintance made me sensitive about all crap happening with "We Indians". Us Indians troubling hard to be safe!
Again rethink about the news concentrate on injured and dead. Blast goes far away, some other calculations go around… what some innocents did wrong to have such punishment? Why we normal citizens ignorant about too many harming conducts are chargeable? What some terrorist want out of it they get it, but so many lives just dangle. Who thinks about them? What one injured loses in his lifetime…just hands or legs? Eyes or entire vision of life? What about their families which are solely dependent on their income? How they will survive with handicapped situation? They might get some help from NGO’s even from government for that matter but how much? Can it pay the price of their suffering? Can it give them the life of peace? Primarily, will it give the life which was their destiny? Manmade deed just shook away everything which GOD had planned. So many families became helpless, many parents became fruitless, and most valentines became single with few seconds of blast.
Tears roll down on my face for innocent ones. I Started blaming that Government is not taking care of ‘us naive Indians’. These bloody had apprehension alarm with spot information and F***ing bodies did not even bother to tighten (or provide?) the security. Repeated chapter of 26/11! How much it would have cost to accord peace than playing with lives? Who had asked them to pay from their pocket ? They can spend on all gracious marriages of their kids, parties with friends and families in squeezed sanctuary but not on public security, for which they have been elected?
As and when I recollected all such things, I became more aware that I can’t really help this situation than going for help of deprived.
I get up and walk down to Sassoon hospital….