special when we eat more special food. Nowadays on click we celebrate and make sure, often we get
tag on to social media and tell the world what’s going in your stomach to put on so much of unfavorable chubby chicks in a month. Hash tag food and formal attires are close equation now more than it was discovered for rare and special occasions which used to gather families together.
Since ages we all connected with equation of food and celebrations. Our happy occasions get more
Like we get tagged with no permission, without any of our body permission we keep eating. For those alarms have not yet raised or have not yet cared for some routine tests, exit entries from food table or from friends means insult. If this is your definition, then it’s actually alarming situation for you.
Have you ever seen, lion killing animals just for the sake of taste? Even animals hunt only when they are hungry. With showing off love for each other it’s common to see people overeating and not sleeping enough, adding more work to own digestive systems.
Have you not seen babies playing well, after they are done with adding cleaning work to adults? Have you ever experience best feeling is when you come out of bathroom rather than overeating or junking and getting up from table?
Appropriate exit matters everywhere. Building architect takes care of trash management first then build houses, software engineer takes care of memory cleansing well to make sure system remains efficient. So does human body need respect and care for efficient trash management system. Routine checkups are done through testing blood samples and waste samples to determine how healthy one is. The moment we stop introspecting what we are eating is what can be processed without any deposits in our body, we will end up with some kind of medicine routine sooner. All of it and various published scientific studies suggest exit from your body matters.
One easy mantra should be recited: “If you ever feel should you eat or no, answer is always NO; but
when you feel should you or not to go to release sort of pressure, answer is always YES ;)”
When to exit quickly?
1. You love to see mouthwatering food but after eating you will be heavy and sleepy. There is no
joy after you get up from that sorts of food table.
2. Food that may cause headache after a while.
3. Silent killer food that you know for sure it is. Most often it’s processed food, hidden sugar and
sodium in it. For example, Soda or frozen instant noodles.
4. Fruits or vegetables that do not go rotten after weeks’ time as per it’s natural cycle known.
5. Super long nights with friends and your threshold is crossed that you don’t know what you’re
6. Eating in angry mood? Better you don’t.
7. You’re swallowing food since you’ve paid for it. It’s better you choose trash box for that trash
management rather your body.
8. You feel it’s already an hour and you’re sitting at one place. There is no harm exiting for 5 min or
working in standing mode.
9. You are spending time in watching your favorite TV series or what’s app or FB updates but you
have no time for walk. It’s a time to exit for walk for sure.
10. It’s a bedtime for you and there is desert offer awaiting.
“Remember happy body is secret to happy mind and face!”