Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Dealing with Stress?

                                    Dealing with Stress?
Which phase of life does not bring stress except healthy childhood? All sorts of phases in life come with its own demands. Every individual faces stressed situation and in today’s connected world specially, it brings more and more peer pressure on individuals.
Dealing with all possibilities and opportunities, we tend to learn living with stress. Although this brings more troubles in long run. Now, even science has proved most health problems come to one since individual is not living in happy environments.
Let’s try to see if we can monitor and take off “worry” worry part from our life and then make it a practice to deal with it.
 Numerous techniques advise us to bring our mind and body in synch. As a result, we tend to work on solutions than simply sitting on issues. For some, taking steps towards such techniques is easy way; for others it may not.
Let’s see if we can deal with our stress with some other simple techniques as well to start with.
1.  Put down all your tensions:
Use pen and paper to work on this. Jot down all your tension causing or stressful situations, such that you can go back refer to it. Name that column as “Issues to resolve”. For example, financial stress for affording your kids college fees, finding growth in your career, how to manage time to do your personal priority things etc.
Create another column next to that list to note down “call to action”.     
2.  Analyze your problems:
Let’s go over list of issues to be resolved one by one. Just see if all such situations you alone can resolve it. Whichever you see you can manage well, just put down your name in front of it. For example – manage time for your priority things. No other expert can help you on this unless you take time to do what you really have to do it. Similarly, few things you cannot resolve unless you gain experts opinion. Rather worrying about your kids’ education finances; it’s best to consider all targeted colleges and understanding their curriculum and fee structure to trade off your options. Even further it’s best to find out what kind of funding can be made available for your kid with other channels. For example, does college offer any good scholarship programs? Is there any way, some charity institutes can help on this matter? Are there any options with which either of parents can work some extra hours to add take home money? Are there any other options to create finances or start doing investments at whichever stage of your life to save for your kid’s education? Can you talk to some investment advisors on it?
Remember not all things one can resolve individually and not all can be masters in every field. If needed, we should go ahead and talk to relevant experts as well. Sometimes, talking to experts may even be taxing in terms of money or time.  Put down all possible actions that you have to take on call to action column.
If you do not understand how to resolve particular issue, just leave it and look at it after listening to good music or having coffee or simply doing nothing when you think you’re fresh to re-work on your list.

       3. Create your waste bucket:
After doing some analysis to your issues to be resolved, there are obvious few list items one may observe are futile worries. That you have taken over but in actual are of no use. Just cancel them or write them down and throw it in waste basket. Doing so will definitely help you digest fact better. For example, thinking about some past painful situation is bringing you more tension in present? Just write it down and throw it. In fact, write down list of things that made you more blessed in some other way. Keep rehearsing on things that you have are things that most others struggle to get them in their life. You may be lucky to have good job or good work culture, although you think you’re not at right career path or have achieved right heights in career. After all life is all about improvements. See what can you do to improve your current situation with conscious efforts. List down such options instead of being in past situations.

      4. Dedicate time slot:
After looking at list of issues, if you need more facts to understand bigger picture on resolution, it’s time to dedicate time for such issues and allocate qualitative time. Just write down further your time slot till when you want to resolve this. Break down whole issue into small chunks as in how part by part you can resolve this situation. For example, you want to buy house or nice sports car. It’s time to find out what you can do today to connect your tomorrow.
Devote time to work on it. Some worries are just worries that keep springing throughout a day, cropping your qualitative time. Just dedicate worry hour to just think about it. Let’s not allow repercussions throughout a day by not working on anything 100% causing you more troubles for sure.

5. Consult experts:
Not all problems one can resolve at individual or family levels. For some issues to resolve; you need experts to bring in more vision. It’s worth spending money and time for such things. For example, you have decided to purchase house and you’re now putting down your life long investment for big purchase. If you’re not real estate expert or finance expert, you definitely want to go and consult particular expert to work with you and advice you properly before you make any decision. It’s better to take learned decision than making decision to repent in future.

 While doing such exercise you your self will find out, “worry” can never be a solution to your problems but working on it is!

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