Although I have not change my working-firm till now. For sure I have changed enough work locations being in same office premises. My manager made sure, even if I don’t get change in terms of work that I may desire for, I definitely get to explore many desks along with new people, bay’s and get to travel all towers that my company posses! (I guess that is how he made sure, his every resource gets some or other kind of change in his/her career!)
I always find moving from one work-place to another is just fun and keeping me alive. (Now don’t say – this is what gypsy’s love about!!). This gives me some kind of new environ and colors to breathe for.
At least this time I was hoping to see some nice faces around. But look what my so called *** manger did to me? He put me in a place where he can see my face as and when he wants to and jeer at my every activity possibly he can, especially my cell phone and texting activities (when I am smiling the most at my work station and he is most envy about.) This is how he made sure to evaluate me in every review than reading my mails and judging my real work. Yet, I am v. sure he will read this blog and do some rational evaluation over coffee :).
So coming back to a point of shifting from one location to another, I was amused to see who my new neighbor is. The one with whom I fought (and fighting) the most since I had join the firm is gonna be my closest neighbor now onwards. This made me realize, I need to work (pretend) in very much workaholic mood to avoid all the fumes that will raise during office hours and should not expect like other S.E.’s- office could be my second home and I should be logging there for some life. Rather I should be treating this place like Kashmir and always be vigilant. What else worst can your boss do to you? When I asked him the explanation – the answer I got was very diplomatic from official front and I could smell the real reason – he wanted to have live entertainment and stop my non-sense creative activities. But this is not gonna stop my blogging ever! And this will disclose (mine and apparently all surrounding malaga’s) office life in public now on-words…
Monday, September 27, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Toddlers -> Frank -> Over frank?
Those who are elder they for sure understand the pain behind this title.
Here are some incidences to prove it –
I buy some dress which I feel is best fit I can ever choose. My lil sis walks in with one glimpse over dress; she proves this is the worst thing I could ever pick. And then I comprehend x amount that I spent is just worth filling my wardrobe!
You change the phone ring to one of your favorite sentimental song instrumental …relating to your good old (young?) days – reminding you some ***stuff. In home when babyish siblings hear it – w/o seeing what you can feel about ring they declare “This is such an annoying ringtone one can ever have. Who the **** gave you this ringtone to fool you?” I somehow pick one of their phone and start looking for ringtone put in so called their ‘cool’ folders.
You go for alumni get together and come back home with wet heart. Your adolescent brother catches you asking did you find any handsome senior than what you thought he was before. You look at him – thinking was that the purpose? They prove: No wonder... you’re still single.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
job - life!
Once the market is up most of the S.E.’s start switching the job and there are hundreds of convincing reasons to change the job. Few of them are -
i. The existing job is not providing you growth opportunities (in terms of mostly money but to mention it is role, working place, etc etc)
ii. Existing job is just su***** and manager too. No good work life
iii. No work –life balance
iv. Want to change the organization due to personal preference or looking for dream job with some other so called very good brand firm
v. Bla bla bla…
When I went over with all reasons while thinking the same as above – I added few more parameters to find so called dream job:
i. Job that pays you well and gives hike and incentives
ii. Job that never evaluates and provide you hike or bonuses in terms of your band but on your performance
iii. Job that gives you ample of time to relax, learn new things and do new things
iv. Job that gives you internet facility at good speed and do not demand to use just for job growth but for any other relevant purpose that you find it to be right!
v. Job that gives you time and fresh mind to blog :)
Then I sat back to find what my job should give me however it turn out to be a thought –
In every market boom I will try changing job since –
i. This is not at all a job that I ever think of working for
ii. This is not at all a company that will ever think of making me their stake holder
iii. I love my job till the time I get acquainted with problems and people
iv. I love my job the most when I get to explore new things which are totally out of scope w.r.t. job that I work for or get to blog
With these, parameters remain – to change the existing job are:
i. “People along with problems” I want to know and form new network with
ii. Money that keep me a-live and pays me to keep some other alive..
i. The existing job is not providing you growth opportunities (in terms of mostly money but to mention it is role, working place, etc etc)
ii. Existing job is just su***** and manager too. No good work life
iii. No work –life balance
iv. Want to change the organization due to personal preference or looking for dream job with some other so called very good brand firm
v. Bla bla bla…
When I went over with all reasons while thinking the same as above – I added few more parameters to find so called dream job:
i. Job that pays you well and gives hike and incentives
ii. Job that never evaluates and provide you hike or bonuses in terms of your band but on your performance
iii. Job that gives you ample of time to relax, learn new things and do new things
iv. Job that gives you internet facility at good speed and do not demand to use just for job growth but for any other relevant purpose that you find it to be right!
v. Job that gives you time and fresh mind to blog :)
Then I sat back to find what my job should give me however it turn out to be a thought –
In every market boom I will try changing job since –
i. This is not at all a job that I ever think of working for
ii. This is not at all a company that will ever think of making me their stake holder
iii. I love my job till the time I get acquainted with problems and people
iv. I love my job the most when I get to explore new things which are totally out of scope w.r.t. job that I work for or get to blog
With these, parameters remain – to change the existing job are:
i. “People along with problems” I want to know and form new network with
ii. Money that keep me a-live and pays me to keep some other alive..

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Writting blogs in indian language is one of the painful thing I have ever found. (specially when you write them at your work-station!) I started writting marathi blog in May month. Wanted to say this was one of b'day resolution and immediately act on it. Alas! this blogpost and my work-station did not allow me to pursue this resolution. So after long time on one of my friend's b'day I went back and check 'my resolution-list'. There I found, below posted saved draft -written in marathi with hell lot of spelling mistakes. this time I put 100% energy and work time to rectify it. With all cursor playing games and transalations I could complete my first marathi blog in office hrs on office m/c. What else you need to gear up your resolutions?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
गांधारी एक जीवनप्रवास!
गांधारी म्हटल की साधारण आपल्या समोर उभी राहते ती डोळ्याला शुभ्र वस्त्र बांधणारी स्त्री जिने वस्तुतः आंधळेपण स्वीकारल. जिने खूप मोठा त्याग केला सृष्टी अनुभवण्यचा आणि इतराना दृष्ट असण्याचा आभास निर्माण करण्याचा . कारण तर अगदीच क्षुल्लक - राजेसाहेब आंधळे होते. आजकाल कोणालाही ही गोष्ट हास्यास्पद वाटेल; परंतु त्यामागे उभी असणारी गांधारी मात्र एक स्वतंत्र यक्तिमत्त्व म्हणून भावण्याजोगी आहे खरी . ती कुठेही परावलंबित किंवा भित्री व्यक्ती म्हणून वावरत नाही . अगदी छोट्या छोट्या गोष्टींतही स्वतंत्र छठा उमटवून जाते . म्हणूनच एक तत्वनीष्ठ स्वतंत्र व्यक्ती म्हणून भारतीय संस्कृतींत ह्या स्त्रीचा गौरोवोच्चार अपरिहार्य ठरतो.
एक भारतीय स्त्री म्हणून कुठेही आपल शील सोडत नाही अथवा कधीही आपल्या पतीस त्याच्या कुकर्मापासून परावृत्त करण्यास विसरत नाही . एक माता म्हणून, एक पत्नी म्हणून अथवा एक राज्ञी म्हणून तिने आपला धर्म अतिशय कर्तव्यदक्षपणे निभावाला. तिने सतत पुत्रांना, भावाला अणि पतीला एक मनुष्य म्हणून भानावर आणण्यासाठी प्रयत्न केले . कुठेही खचून न जाता तिने आपल्या पुत्रांना शासन सुनावले, अगदी आशीर्वांदापासूनही त्यांना अखेरपर्यंत वंचित ठेवले . कोणती माता हे करु शकेल? स्व पतीलाही न जुमानता जेव्हा त्याच्या दुष्क्रुत्याचा पाढा वाचायची वेळ येते तेव्हा ती निशंक आणि तटस्थ व्यक्ती म्हणून समोर येते . हीच गांधारी त्याला अखेरच्या क्षणाला एक पत्नी म्हणून आणि माता म्हणून अश्रु पुसण्यासाठी आपल्या पतीसमोर येते, पुत्रवियोगाच्या दुःखाने झालेली अगदी असह्य आणि कारुण भासते. तिची माया, प्रेम आणि क्रोध शेवटच्या पर्वात हुरहुर लावून जातात. स्वलोकांना कंटाळलेली स्त्री शेवटी आपला सगळा क्रोध, मत्सर आपल्या भगवंतावर काढ़ते आणि एक शापाचा वाली म्हणून अमर होते . वस्तुस्थिती पारदर्शकपणे पाहिल्यास आपल्यालाही जाणीव होते की तीच्या जवळच्या व्यक्ती किंवा प्रसंग तिच्या हातात नव्हते. आलेल्या प्रसंगांना ती मोठ्या धैयॉने सामोरी जाते . कुठूनही पलायनवाद करत नाही. नाहीतर ती केव्हाच आपल राज्य सोडून तिला माघारी घेऊन जाण्यासाठी आलेल्या शकुनीसोबत परत गेली असती . आपल मनालेल्या घरी मोठ्यांच्या सन्मानाकारिता तिने स्वखुशींचा खूप विचारपूर्वक त्याग केला . सगळ्यात आकर्षित करणारी गोष्ट म्हणजे तिने कधीही आपल्या निर्णयाचा त्रागा केला नाही अथवा आपल्या नशिबालाही दोष दिला नाही . "कर्मण्ये वाधिकरास्तेषु मा फलेषु कदाचन। " ह्या ऊक्तीप्रमाणे तिने आपला जीवनप्रवास सुरु ठेवला . आणि म्हणूनच शापीत भगवंतालही तिच्याकडे उशाःप मागण्याचे धेर्य करता आले नाही. अशीही ही गांधारी एक स्त्री म्हणून एक अदभुत शिखर गाठते.
एक भारतीय स्त्री म्हणून कुठेही आपल शील सोडत नाही अथवा कधीही आपल्या पतीस त्याच्या कुकर्मापासून परावृत्त करण्यास विसरत नाही . एक माता म्हणून, एक पत्नी म्हणून अथवा एक राज्ञी म्हणून तिने आपला धर्म अतिशय कर्तव्यदक्षपणे निभावाला. तिने सतत पुत्रांना, भावाला अणि पतीला एक मनुष्य म्हणून भानावर आणण्यासाठी प्रयत्न केले . कुठेही खचून न जाता तिने आपल्या पुत्रांना शासन सुनावले, अगदी आशीर्वांदापासूनही त्यांना अखेरपर्यंत वंचित ठेवले . कोणती माता हे करु शकेल? स्व पतीलाही न जुमानता जेव्हा त्याच्या दुष्क्रुत्याचा पाढा वाचायची वेळ येते तेव्हा ती निशंक आणि तटस्थ व्यक्ती म्हणून समोर येते . हीच गांधारी त्याला अखेरच्या क्षणाला एक पत्नी म्हणून आणि माता म्हणून अश्रु पुसण्यासाठी आपल्या पतीसमोर येते, पुत्रवियोगाच्या दुःखाने झालेली अगदी असह्य आणि कारुण भासते. तिची माया, प्रेम आणि क्रोध शेवटच्या पर्वात हुरहुर लावून जातात. स्वलोकांना कंटाळलेली स्त्री शेवटी आपला सगळा क्रोध, मत्सर आपल्या भगवंतावर काढ़ते आणि एक शापाचा वाली म्हणून अमर होते . वस्तुस्थिती पारदर्शकपणे पाहिल्यास आपल्यालाही जाणीव होते की तीच्या जवळच्या व्यक्ती किंवा प्रसंग तिच्या हातात नव्हते. आलेल्या प्रसंगांना ती मोठ्या धैयॉने सामोरी जाते . कुठूनही पलायनवाद करत नाही. नाहीतर ती केव्हाच आपल राज्य सोडून तिला माघारी घेऊन जाण्यासाठी आलेल्या शकुनीसोबत परत गेली असती . आपल मनालेल्या घरी मोठ्यांच्या सन्मानाकारिता तिने स्वखुशींचा खूप विचारपूर्वक त्याग केला . सगळ्यात आकर्षित करणारी गोष्ट म्हणजे तिने कधीही आपल्या निर्णयाचा त्रागा केला नाही अथवा आपल्या नशिबालाही दोष दिला नाही . "कर्मण्ये वाधिकरास्तेषु मा फलेषु कदाचन। " ह्या ऊक्तीप्रमाणे तिने आपला जीवनप्रवास सुरु ठेवला . आणि म्हणूनच शापीत भगवंतालही तिच्याकडे उशाःप मागण्याचे धेर्य करता आले नाही. अशीही ही गांधारी एक स्त्री म्हणून एक अदभुत शिखर गाठते.
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